Two Department of Medicine Faculty Members Approved for Over $11 Million in Research Funding from Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Manali Patel, MD, MPH, MS, assistant professor of oncology, and Lisa Goldman Rosas, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of epidemiology, public health, and primary care and population health, were recently awarded more than $11 million in funding support for their individual research projects from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).

PCORI, an independent, nonprofit organization authorized by Congress in 2010, funds research to provide patients, caregivers, and clinicians with evidence-based information to make better-informed healthcare decisions. Patel’s and Rosas’ studies were selected for funding from PCORI through a highly competitive process that evaluates scientific merit, commitment to engaging patients and stakeholders in research and potential to promote health. Both projects show promise to fill gaps in evidence, better equipping individuals to assess care options.

Improving cancer care by reducing care delivery gaps

Patel’s research aims to improve cancer care by comparing two different strategies that reduce care delivery gaps. One method utilizes an online education website and symptom questionnaire to provide patient-centered counseling. The alternative approach uses a team-based model that involves a health educator in the cancer care team, providing customized patient education and guidance.

Addressing obesity and food insecurity among Latina women

Goldman Rosas’ study compares tactics that address diabetes prevention and food insecurity among Latina women in primary care. Patients will be randomized to one of two groups: a diabetes prevention program with integrated treatment for food insecurity or the diabetes prevention program alone. The research aims to explore food insecurity severity as a potential moderator of intervention effectiveness.