Mentorship | Opportunity | Development | Empathy | Leadership
The Department of Medicine’s MODEL Program is a department-wide, cross-divisional, mentoring and development program specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the CE and UML faculty lines.
Our MODEL Program launched in January 2024, championing a dynamic new mentoring culture across the department.
Our inaugural cohort consists of 7 MODEL mentor leads and 87 mentees. Our MODEL leads serve as dedicated resources and help facilitate promotion and advancement of colleagues, train others to develop strong mentoring relationships, and provide ongoing workshops to promote networking and mentorship.
MODEL Leads (left to right): Paul Wang, Wen-Kai Weng, Shuchi Anand, Maja Artandi, Minjoung Go, Linda Nguyen, and Will Collins
(Top) MODEL Leads and Department Leadership
(Right) Upi Singh, Rebecca Geraldi, and Kavitha Ramchandran
Wen-Kai Weng
Shuchi Anand
Infectious Diseases & Geographic Medicine
Immunology & Rheumatology
Linda Nguyen
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Pulmonary, Allergy & Critical Care Medicine
Maja Artandi
Primary Care & Population Health
Minjoung Go
Stanford Healthcare Tri-Valley
Will Collins
Hospital Medicine
Paul Wang
Cardiovascular Medicine
MODEL Program Leadership
Upi Singh
Associate Chair for Faculty Development
Kavitha Ramchandran
Director of Clinician Educator Development
MODEL Program Administration
Rebecca Geraldi
Administrative Associate
DOM Chair’s Office