Investigators: Get Community Input on Your Research Study!

CAB provides a forum to foster dialogue between researchers and members of the community

Would you like community input during your protocol development phase? Are you having trouble with recruitment and retention? Do you need community buy-in on your consent forms, surveys, or marketing materials? CAB can help!

Contact us to learn more.

Scope: Community-Sourced Idea Generation, Brainstorming, Recommendations and Referrals

The Community Advisory Board for Clinical Research (CAB), established in January 2016, was created out of the Stanford Center for Clinical Research (SCCR) and has supported approximately 20 research projects to date. 

CAB provides a forum to foster dialogue between researchers and members of the community, offering community perspective, idea generation and recommendations on protocols to support and enhance the success of clinical research. Our community members come from a broad range of educational attainment, careers, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultures.

Meetings: Flexible, Zoom-Based Webinar

We typically host 6 in-person dinner meetings each year, facilitated by the CAB leadership team.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these are now on Zoom. This allows scheduling flexibility and enables us to offer a greater number of presentations per month. Meetings are typically 1.5-2hrs in the late afternoon. As part of your presentation feedback, you will receive an audio recording of the meeting, along with written responses from the Board.

Protocols: All Therapeutic Areas, Except for Cancer

We accept protocols from all therapeutic areas except for cancer studies. This year alone, we’ve supported research studies in the following areas: COVID-19, a bariatric study, and the Research Participation Program at Stanford. For a comprehensive list of prior studies, click here.

Investigators on the Value of CAB

We source feedback from every investigator who presents, and our metrics show broad satisfaction with the value and utility of CAB:

“The suggestions about how to reach out to patients about disease treatment options… as well as the community-based input… were helpful.” Therapeutic Approaches to NASH.

“The feedback provided valuable perspectives, and the engagement of the members was extremely high - great to see such a passionate, insightful group of community members engaging in the research process.”  – Project Baseline.

“The members in the room had extremely useful ideas about groups and people in the community that we can continue conversations with…The group understood our program really well. And when they started thinking about other people/groups on campus but MORE IMPORTANTLY with people/groups in the community, that was extremely useful.” - Preventing Gender-Based Violence.

Contact us to learn more!