Medical Grand Rounds

Our Department of Medicine Grand Rounds live stream is geared towards the Stanford community. Whenever possible, we will record and provide a freely shareable, edited version of the video via our YouTube and Twitter accounts. 

Please note location of upcoming events, as they may be designated as virtual attendance only or as presented in hybrid formats (with options to attend on campus or via Zoom). 

Upcoming Grand Rounds

May 15 Medicine Grand Rounds


Time: 8 – 9 AM
Location: Zoom only

Title: “Indigenous Health Research Proceeds at the Speed of Trust.”


Alexandra King, MD, Cameco Chair in Indigenous Health and Wellness College of Medicine at the The University of Saskatchewan



Past Grand Rounds

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We’re Listening

Do you have a question, speaker or topic suggestion, or other feedback about Medicine Grand Rounds? If so, we want to hear from you. Please reach out here.


Submit your question for MGR
