Paul Bollyky Receives Harrington Scholar-Innovator Grant

Harrington Discovery Institute has selected Paul Bollyky, MD, (assistant professor, infectious diseases) as one of its 2017 Scholar-Innovators. Chosen for his work on a novel drug for Type I Diabetes, Bollyky is one of 11 awardees this year.

The Institute grants each recipient a minimum of $100,000 (along with its drug development expertise and project management support) for breakthrough discoveries defined by innovation, creativity and potential clinical impact.

Bollyky says the award is “designed to accelerate breakthrough discoveries into new medicines” and adds, “In our case, this work will fund development of a novel therapeutic to prevent autoimmune diabetes.” Noting how innovative the research is, Upi Singh, MD, (chief, infectious diseases) says, “An infectious disease (ID) doc doing diabetes research! As I always say, everything is really ID. [This is] a nice example that science boundaries really are blurring and the best science is done at the interface of multiple disciplines.”

Throughout his career, Bollyky has earned a number of awards and grants, including a Catalyst Award from the Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust, the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, a SPARK Innovation Grant, a seed grant from Stanford Institute for Immunity, Transplantation and Infection and a Career Development Award from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Bollyky attended college at Columbia University in New York City.  He did his Ph.D. at Oxford University and went to Harvard Medical School for his M.D. He completed his residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, an infectious disease fellowship at the University of Washington and a post-doctoral fellowship at the Benaroya Research Institute.  He was appointed to the Stanford faculty in 2013.