SHC MD Star Rating Project

Under the direction of Amir Rubin and Dean Minor, and to enable our patients to make informed decisions about selecting a physician, Stanford Health Care is establishing publicly-available, online profiles for Ambulatory Care and Cancer Center physicians. These profiles will include Press Ganey comments and physician ratings. Physician ratings are calculated by converting Press Ganey mean scores into a 5-point star rating. Currently 99.6% of SHC physician ratings are 4-stars and above.   The Stanford Health Care website is modeled after University of Utah Health Care.

The go-live for updated physician profiles on the SHC site is early February 2015.   Clinical faculty in the Department of Medicine have received communication on the project, including a link to the test-site, from their divisional leadership and their respective SHC Clinic Manager.

There will be a central process to review and exclude patient comments from publication if they include any of the following:

  • Offensive, slanderous or profane language
  • Patient-protected information (based on HIPAA)
  • Material unrelated  to the physician
  • Nonsensical, undescriptive, and/or ambiguous wording
  • Comments about wait times

An appeal process will provide faculty with the opportunity to request a review of comments prior to posting.  Details will be provided at a later date.

The benefits of sharing patient feedback publicly include the following:

  • Easy access to patient feedback for physicians
  • Positive marketing for SHC physicians
  • Positions SHC/SOM to control web-based assessments of our physicians, rather than defaulting to third parties (Healthgrades, Vitals, Consumer Reports, Yelp, etc)
  • Increased traffic to physician profile pages